How much time should you spend on Cash Generation content?

August 31, 2022

How much time should you spend each week on Cash Generation content?

Janet Murray Courageous Content Podcast Headshot

And how much time should you spend on the other types of content you need to grow your business?

That’s exactly what you’ll find out in this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast.

Here’s what I cover:

I wish I could tell you exactly how much time to spend on Cash Generation content each week/month. The exact amount of hours and minutes you’ll need to get the results you’ll need. You’re probably not surprised to hear that I can’t. Because it really depends…on a whole host of things like:

  • How much additional money you need to bring into your business at a particular time
  • Your business priorities – which of course will vary across the year

When to focus on Cash Generation Content

Here are some common scenarios:

  1. You’ve just started a business. When you first start a business your priority is often to get as many customers/clients as you can. If this is the case, I’d recommend focusing solely on Cash Generation Content until you are confident you have enough money coming in.
  2. You’re struggling to make enough money/are in ‘feast or famine’. If you are struggling to make enough money in your business, I’d recommend switching your focus (or even focusing solely) on high-touch Cash Generation Content until you have enough money coming in.
  3. You need a quick cash injection. If you are struggling to make enough money in your business, I’d recommend switching your focus (or even focusing solely) on high-touch Cash Generation Content until you have enough money coming in.


Once your income is stable, you can spend more time on audience growth/nurturing content. A good habit to get into is publishing at least one piece of audience growth content a week e.g. blog/vlog podcast on your website – so you’re building up a ‘bank’ of content to help new people find you for years to come.

How my Courageous Content Planner can help with Cash Generation Content

If you have my Courageous Content Planner, this can give you a useful framework to start with. The planner is based on my 4 x 4 strategy which involves aiming for 4 styles of content, 4 days a week.

Two types of audience growth content (news/trends, educate)
Two types of nurture content (inspire/community content).

My Courators Kit goes into more detail about these styles of content (and includes examples/templates).

Putting aside just 45 minutes a week for Cash Generation Activities is a really good idea – as then it becomes a habit.

That’s what motivated me to create the Get It Sold sessions in my Courators Club community. Once a week we get together to keep each other accountable for 45 mins – and the results are impressive. I often use the time to reach out to sponsors/partners for my event and collaborations for my Courageous Content Planner.

There is a generic template for reaching out to potential partners/sponsors in the Courageous Cash Generation Content Kit.

Imagine if you invested 45 minutes a week on this for 45 weeks of the year (factoring in a few weeks off for holidays etc). That’s 34 hours – pretty much a whole working week. You could make a LOT of impact in that time.

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