My 90 Day Course Launch Sprint can help new course creators generate recurring revenue. Find out if it’s right for you.
My 90 Day Course Launch sprint won’t make you a millionaire overnight (because no online course will do that – sorry!).
But it will help you get your online course launched – and start generating recurring revenue for your business.
In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I share what you need to know about my 90 Day Course Launch sprint so you can decide whether it’s a good fit for you.
You can listen to the podcast or read the blog version below.
Here’s what I cover:
I created the 90 Day Course Launch Sprint because I was fed up seeing experts hold back from launching online courses.
Because they were waiting…
Until they had enough time to create an Umpteen Module Online Course.
Or until they had Fancy Tech or a ‘team’ to help them.
But you don’t need ANY of this to launch an online course.
You can deliver a ton of value in a one-off masterclass, EBook or resource kit.
And you don’t need a fancy online course platform or email automation to launch your course.
And not only do you have a right to have a ‘launch’ (launching is not just for online influencers sipping cocktails on the beach), you absolutely should be running a launch.
Which means you can launch an online course right now
Find out more about launching in: what is a launch anyway?
I also wanted to provide an alternative to the high ticket ‘passive income’ programmes that promise the world but deliver very little in the way of results.
Programmes that give aspiring course creators unrealistic goals about how much they can earn from so-called passive income products overnight. And aren’t upfront about some of the realities of launching an online course. Such as:
So it IS possible to launch an online course without an audience – as long as you have realistic expectations about what can be achieved i.e. you’re unlikely to replace the income from your 1-2-1, done-for-you or done-with-you services by next week (or even next year).
An online course does not have to have multiple modules.
It can literally be ONE video tutorial, pdf download or resource kit – the kind of thing you can create in a morning – with resources you already have on your computer.
Don’t believe me? Here’s three types of online course you can create in a morning.
As a new course creator, unless you already have a massive email list, you’re likely to be selling in modest numbers to start with.
So you don’t need a fancy membership site or a subscription for an online course platform to create and sell an online course. Nor do you need fancy email marketing software or automation.
Which is why it’s best to keep it simple with a one module course e.g. video tutorial, Ebook, resource kit.
And that’s what inspired me to create the 90 Day Course Launch Sprint – my desire to provide high quality education on how to create and launch an online course – without giving new course creators unrealistic expectations about what can be achieved.
As a student in my 90 Day Course Launch Sprint, you’ll get 90 days of support and accountability to get your course launched and start bringing recurring income in your business.
Here’s how it will work:
This will be delivered as 10 live classes (with video/audio replays so you don’t have to worry if you can’t attend all the sessions) including a ‘live launch’ week where you will launch and sell your online course.
You will create a ONE module course – ideally something you can create in half a day from resources you already have. I’ll also provide templates for the key content you need for your course e.g. sales copy, marketing emails and social media posts.
And no you don’t need fancy email automation (as long as you are compliant with data protection laws, you can send your sales emails manually).
I’ll take you step-by-step through everything you need to do to launch your online course and sell it: including how to choose a topic, how to write effective sales copy, how to create a launch plan, where to host your course and how to create effective course materials.
It goes without saying that this programme is not a magic bullet. It’s up to you to implement what I share. If you don’t implement – or only implement some of what I share and/or ignore my advice if I tell you I don’t think your course will sell, you may not get the results you hope for.
The live programme starts in April 2022. The cost of the programme is £597 but there is an option to pay in instalments.
I have also opened up 3 spots for people who would also like 1-2-1 support. This may be suitable for you if you’d like more personalised guidance/support for £1597.
I will not make you silly promises about what you can achieve sales wise i.e. you’re unlikely to be making millions by the end.
If you already have an email list, you may be able to make back the cost of your investment (or even exceed it). Even if you don’t, you may still be able to achieve that. But you will need to be willing to get uncomfortable and do a lot of high-touch outreach i.e. sending personalised emails and messages.
For you it may not even be about money. Your investment may be more about giving you the confidence and the kick up the backside you need to create your course and get it on sale.
There are tons of people out there flogging courses on how to generate passive income – many of whom have never sold digital products, at scale as I have to their own email list – without running a big affiliate launch – and without charging silly prices.
A few figures for you:
Yes there are people out there who are making more money than me, but would they be able to make these kinds of sales direct to their audience – without running big affiliate launches? Maybe I’m not the right teacher for you…but do your due diligence and find out.
Personally I wouldn’t recommend going down the ‘affiliate launch’ route (to find out why, check out why I don’t do affiliate launches). But if that’s what you want, I’m not the right teacher for you. Instead I’d recommend invest in a programme with a coach/teacher with a proven track record in that area.
If you want to learn how to sell digital products to your own audience, I believe you need to learn from someone who has done that. If you want to learn from someone who has actually done it – and earn money while you’re learning – I can help.
Because I have run dozens of launches – from one off pdf downloads, one-off masterclasses to big online course/membership launches with multiple funnels. PLUS on and offline events.
First off, I do want to point out that any results/testimonials you see from me may not be typical.
Because testimonials are never typical.
Each of us brings our own set of skills, unique personality – and our privilege (or lack of) – to every course/programme we take. Which means we are never starting from exactly the same point.
To illustrate this, I want to share the results of a programme I led last summer with an group of aspiring course creators who I encouraged to create one module online courses (aka masterclasses).
Two students generated around £1500 in masterclass sales. One already had an established online community (including a free Facebook group and email list). Another sold just eight masterclasses at a higher price point, but was a well known figure in her industry with a strong following on LinkedIn.
A more ‘typical’ result came from a coach who sold 11 masterclasses at £27 – which was a great result for a newbie.