4 content ideas for April (that use awareness days)

March 29, 2022

Stuck for ideas for social media? Here’s 4 content ideas for April that use awareness days.

Janet Murray Courageous Content Podcast Headshot

Need some content ideas in April?

In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I’ll share four ready-to-go content ideas for April Use them as inspiration for social media posts, blogs, newsletters, podcasts…whatever content you create to promote your business

You can listen to the podcast or read the blog version below.

Here’s the awareness days I cover:

Tell A Lie Day (April 1)

Share 3 common lies/myths in your industry – that will reassure your followers they’re doing ok. Or pose a moral dilemma e.g. is it ok to lie about ___________.

For example, If you have my Courageous Content Planner the first is an example of an inspire post i.e. sharing an inspiring message with your audience – in this case inspiring them

The second is an example of community content which is about building and nurturing your relationship with your audience.

Example: What ‘Gurus’ don’t share about online course creation

What gurus don't share about online course creation

National Pet Day (April 11)

Everyone loves a pet picture…so don’t be afraid to share a picture of your pooch/kitty (or any other pets you love) and/or ask your audience to share theirs.

If you have my Courageous Content Planner this could work as a community post. Community content is about building and nurturing your relationship with your audience.

World Voice Day (April 16)

Share a tip on how to use your voice. This can be literal e.g. how to speak with more authority/confidence or metaphorical – how to stand up to bullies or speak up about injustice. Remember you don’t have to use awareness days ‘literally’ – they can simply spark ideas!

The former is an example of an educate post – where you share tips/advice that answer peoples’ questions/solve their problems. The latter is an example of an inspire post.

Get Organised Day (April 26)

Share a killer tip that keeps you organised in your life/business. Or create a demo/behind-the-scenes video that shows how you do it.

If you have my Courageous Content Planner this is another example of an educate post.

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