You’ll never see a social media post from me that says my ‘friend’ and/or mentor [INSERT NAME OF INFLUENCER] is running a webinar/challenge.
Nor will I email you to recommend someone else’s course.
Not because I’m a bitter old meanie who doesn’t want to support fellow entrepreneurs. But because it’s not how I want to do business.
In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I share why I don’t get involved in affiliate launches and why I believe you shouldn’t either.
You can listen to the podcast or read the blog version below.
Here’s what I cover:
I’m not a selfish meanie who doesn’t want to support fellow entrepreneurs.
Nor am I jealous of entrepreneurs who do big affiliate launches (and make tons more money than me).
It’s just not how I want to do business and here’s why;
1. I don’t feel comfortable promoting products/services I don’t genuinely know/love to my community
2. I’d rather be promoting my own products/services to my own audience (not least because I can personally vouch for the quality)
3. I don’t want to be part of a system I believe makes rich online entrepreneurs even richer while preventing others from generating wealth (or even making a living).
I know I’m not perfect (and I’ve definitely made mistakes). But I do my best to stay true to my values.
For example, I just emailed my Courageous Content Live event delegates to explain that I don’t pay affiliate income for ticket sales. ‘Cos I want the RIGHT people in the room (not a bunch of people who were recommended it by someone being PAID to promote it).
And if you ever see someone posting about my Courageous Content Planner you can feel reassured they REALLY do like it.
Because I don’t let anyone who doesn’t actually USE my planner promote it on my behalf.
The affiliate commission on my planner is barely enough to buy a few takeaway coffees anyway. Not because I’m a meanie who wants to keep all the profit to myself.
But because (a) the price point doesn’t really allow (10% of £47 ain’t gonna make you a millionaire). And (b) I want my clients to focus on growing their OWN businesses – not mine.
I would NEVER want to have clients who can make more money selling MY products than their own.
This isn’t anything I haven’t said before (there are a bunch of posts in the Notes on my computer – dating back from 2019 – on this topic).
So why am I speaking up about it so vociferously now?
Because, quite frankly, I’m tired.
And I’m wondering what else we can do to bring about change in the industry.
That will guarantee real experts, real education and real results.
If you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them.
I did try one affiliate launch – a course bundle offer where an entrepreneur was selling courses created by different entrepreneurs. I did make around $1500 in sales – for sending just three emails (and including one of my masterclasses in the bundle.
But, on reflection, I think this affiliate launch has cost me more money than it’s made me.
My team spent hours dealing with customer service queries from people who bought this bundle – which had to be paid for. And I’m still paying for it – 15 months after taking part in this affiliate launch. Because although the bundle had a 12-month expiry date – not everyone reads the small print. Which means people are still emailing me asking questions about it – and they still need a reply (even if their access has expired).
And while many of the courses were good quality and useful – who has time to look at hundreds of courses?
As an online business strategist and teacher, I feel it’s my job to get people to where they need to be – without consuming content they don’t need. Because that’s just procrastination.
Which is why I feel annoyed at myself for being part of something that overwhelmed people rather than empowered them. Because taking courses you don’t need is a form of procrastination, right?
And for being part of something that made one online entrepreneur rich – while distracting thousands of others from building their businesses.